Do you lie awake at night wondering if there’s someone out in the world who cares about you? Do you grow discouraged thinking nobody will ever pursue or desire to really get to know you?
As someone who has become incredibly familiar with living in singleness, being pursued through an earthly relationship is something I honestly don’t have much experience in. I look forward to the day the right man will desire to pursue my heart, but if it isn’t God’s will for me I can always hold onto the joy in knowing my heavenly Father is pursuing after my heart.
The incredible feeling of being pursued in a relationship causes us to feel valued and cherished. I believe we all have the desire to be pursued. To be “sought after” and worth someone wanting to get to know us. I’ve found it tough to find that trait in this world today. Not just in a romantic relationship, but with any kind of relationship. In today’s society I believe it’s difficult to feel such intimacy with others. Technology has made us believe the lie that we’re “connected” but when we put down our device we still feel a hollow emptiness inside. We have surface-level conversations and “know” others superficially, but it’s difficult to take relationships to a much deeper level, as God intended. Although this world has lost the intimacy in our relationships, we can always hold onto the promise that God is constantly pursuing after us.
How great to rest in the promise that God is consistently seeking out our best in every situation we’re in. He’s been planning our lives and orchestrating every moment that we embark to help grow and strengthen us. He’s using even every dark day for something so extraordinary. He’s placed you in the perfect location for you to grow and serve Him. He’s bestowed you with unique talents for you to touch and utilize so others could see Him through you.
Psalm 139:1,13,14,16
O LORD, you have searched me and you know me. You created my inmost being. I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
There’s no question that you are being pursued after. It doesn’t matter who you are. God has been pursuing after you before you were even created. Even though His pursuit may not be through a romantic interest, let me tell you that it is even better than you can comprehend. You are being pursued by your Creator. The all powerful God. His pursuit runs so much deeper than any emotion we can fathom. If you only knew how much God pursues you every day you’d be awestruck. He knows your every thought and knows every instance that has caused your heart to break. He’s been there with you when your heart was filled with overwhelming joy, and He was there comforting when you’ve cried until there were no tears left. He knows each circumstance that led you to this current season. He sees each aspect of your life and is in constant pursuit to fulfill His plan for your life. Not one moment is missed or a mistake. Every step has intentionality.
Philippians 1:6
Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
When you begin to feel as though the world wouldn’t notice if your life ceased to exist, you can be reminded that Someone out there thinks you’re something special. You are one of a kind and you have purpose. God’s love for you will never fade. It won’t change based on mood or opinion. His love is steadfast and it is not going anywhere. It’s here to stay. His love is one thing you can always count on. If you feel discouraged today because you feel forgotten and undesireable, you can rest knowing that God cherishes you beyond what you can imagine.
Take a moment to think of someone you love immensely. Even as deep as your love is for that person, God’s love for you surpasses any conception of love that you have for your loved one! He is pursuing you because you are His creation, specially created on purpose by His hands. He cherishes the moments you both spend together and He loves listening to His children and is always, always working for your best.
Zephaniah 3:17
The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.
If you look around and see nobody pursuing after you, rest in the thought that you have the God of the universe pursuing you. Not because of anything you have done or will do, but just because you are you. Although God is pursuing after us, it isn’t because we are worthy of it. We are all sinners and are all undeserving, but because God has displayed such gracious love towards us, we have the glorious opportunity to know what true love really is.
Jesus displayed His love for us by dying on the cross so we could know what it is to be divinely pursued by God. There’s no greater act of love than a perfect Man dying for the sins of the world when we had nothing to offer Him in return for His selfless gift (John 15:13). He treats us with the highest respect and love, when He has every right to proclaim our sinful immorality. Instead, He cherishes us, values us and accepts us. He still loves us no matter how messed up we are. No matter how far we’ve drifted or how many times we’ve rejected or questioned Him, He still displays His unrelenting love towards us!
Jeremiah 31:3
The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.”
God intentionally selected every characteristic and talent that uniquely creates the one and only you and wouldn’t change a thing. He’s better than any spouse and more faithful than any friend. His love is going nowhere. Take a few extra moments today to spend with your Pursuer, because He always cherishes the moments you spend together.
Hold onto the promise that when God’s children draw near to Him, He will draw near to them. Rest your head on the pillow tonight knowing that God is purposely pursuing after you exclusively, and He has been since time began! I can think of no greater honor than to be pursued by the Creator and the God of the universe whose love for me is indescribable!